Tibet General FAQs

Yes you can but it will be quite expensive to acquire for a single person, sometimes can be rejected by Chinese authority due to some reason beyond our control, however we try our best to obtain a single visa if not, where we will find and join you with other group of travelers to Tibet as per the holiday itinerary and duration of travel within Tibet.

Yes, it is safe for short or stroll only as you know like in all countries cities and towns one has to take precaution, Tibet with friendly and cheerful people always greets its guest and travelers with big smile, during night time depends where you want to walk it is safe but needs to be careful.

At present due to modern technology world-wide communication is easy and the facilities for cell phones or STD and ISTD can be located in most part of Tibet. To acquire local SIM Card can get from China Mobile which is the leading company in Tibet and China, where your card will help to purchase it.

Yes, it is possible to extend Tibet Visa and permit at extra cost where you need to inform us or guide at the earliest once or before entering into Tibet.

As Tibet located at an average of 3,000 m to 4,000 m high elevation chances of getting AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) is quite high if not taken proper care with acclimatization procedure in our travel increase of altitude goes slowly with rest days in some areas for safe and enjoyable travel.

For emergency rescue, depending upon the conditions of the victims if its medically serious taken immediately to nearby hospitals with intensive care with local agents guides to care when recovered sending you back to your country at the earliest by drive or flights depending upon the situation and the area of travel destinations. If it is AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) drop you to lower elevations as much as possible in Tibet which is world highest and largest plateau, descend is not that easy like in Nepal or Bhutan where descend has to be taken uphill before ending at lower altitude. An immediate hire of vehicle or horses or other means of quick transportations applies to take the victims to safer areas or in hospital. In most of the tour where one can buy portable 1-2 liter oxygen cans, in some high and remote areas Dream Tibet always carries Gamma Bag and Oxygen also.

Hospital and clinic are located all around cities and towns, but in rural areas small clinic or post are found with medic team of male / female nurse and doctors. In cities and towns major hospitals and clinic are found under the rules of China Government, beside modern clinic and hospital local Chinese and Tibetan medical clinic are found in nearly all areas within city and towns.

Depending upon the size of the group and budget / standard trip cost as well, for normal groups on tour we use Tourist standard comfortable coach with Tibetan guide and drivers for longer drive in Four Wheel Drives or Land cruisers.

All travel within Tibet we use native Tibetan Guide who will provide you with much information of the area of travel and takes care of you and helps with official related problem when required.

At present in big cities like Lhasa-Shigatse- Chengdu or Gyantse one can find good restaurants and hotels serving European and Western meals including Chinese. All hotels are either 5 stars or tourist class hotels with modern amenities but in rural and remote areas accommodation are limited with basic facilities in lodge and guesthouses with simple Tibetan or Chinese meals served.

It is good to have Travel and health Insurance as well, as Tibet is one of the highest countries of the world with an average of 3,000 m to 4,000 meters high. So it is always safe to have travel and medical insurance where AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) can occur sometimes if not acclimatized properly during travel in Tibet.

Bank of China located in major towns and cities where you fill the forms and keep the receipt when required of the exchange. ATM in banks and private major areas of the city and towns only, Credit Card are accepted in major stores-shops- restaurants and hotels, but not in smaller places like in villages. The exchange rates at present US 01 for 8 Chinese Remimbian Yuan which can differ slightly without prior notice.

The currency in Tibet used Chinese Remimbian Yuan which is equivalent of US$ 1 to 6 to 8 Yuan which can differ slightly without prior notice, it is good to carry US $ or Euro but you can use Credit Card also, many big stores, hotels accepts or you can draw local currency through ATM which are located in cities and towns or in Bank of China.

Yes, it is safe as long you are with the group and our Tibetan guideā€™s guidance.

To obtain Tibet Visa if traveling to Tibet from Nepal has to be done through local Nepal agents for Tibet in Kathmandu, where Dream Tibet Travel will apply at least ten days in advance for the Tibet visa with all your Passport details and PP size photos. With proper Passport information and of the tour and itinerary details visa will be stamped before your departure to Tibet. Most of the Tibet visa will be done in group wise minimum of 2-5 pax in a group with 2 sheets of papers with name list and Passport details where Visa will be stamped one for entry and other for final departure from Tibet.

Typical Tibet permit of Tibet, are official paper and documents with your name and passport details that you are entitled to travel within Tibet, under the rules of Tibet / China Government rules and regulations using legal local travel agencies and guides for travel in Tibet.

So far there is no age-bar to get Tibet Visa, however one has to be medical fit as Chinese quarantine is strict regarding the disease carried by outsiders.

As you know since 25 th April and 12 th May major earthquakes around Nepal Mid West and Mid East destroyed much of the road that linked Kathmandu to Tibet, which was called Lhasa- Kathmandu highway or Friendship Highway. Now the motor road has been closed till further notice till the road is opened for travel. At present most of the interested people using China Air flights from Kathmandu which operates 5 days a week to and from Lhasa / Kathmandu, the other means is using the Kyirong highway which was recently completed linking Tibet / China Kyirong with Kathmandu via Rasuwa Gaddhi of Langtang region. But this border road is not reliable for foreign travelers as it remains or closed depends upon the road conditions and Chinese Government authority.

Full Passport details and information with passport size photos and purpose of travel in Tibet.

A vast difference between Tibet Group Visa and Chinese Visa, as you knows that Tibet is a sensitive part of China, which was declared as Tibet Autominous region of republic of China. Beside China visa one must obtain special permit or visa for Tibet separately as Tibet is recently annexed country of China, and does not want foreign influence or political interference so to keep Tibet safe one must acquire proper permits and visa to travel in Tibet.

Can obtain Tibet Visa in Kathmandu through Chinese Embassy or consulates once you let Dream Tibet know of your conditions and travel details in Tibet where we require your passport with photos at least a week or minimum of three days in special urgent cases.

To obtain Tibet Travel Permits first you need Tibet Entry Visa, beside your China visa (if traveling around mainland) full details of your passport and purpose of travel and duration in Tibet.

You can apply through Dream Tibet reliable services for Tibet Travel Documents please contact us with name of the trip and duration and we will provide you with information and details respectively as per your need, which you click on line through Dream Tibet website as well.

You can acquire Tibet Travel permit while travelling from mainland China through a proper agent or with Dream Tibet reliable and swift services, where you need to inform us before you enter into China or at least a week in advance to start the Travel Permit process.

A great difference as you knows without Tibet entry Visa you cannot travel in Tibet so first Tibet Visa is a must and important, the other Tibet Travel permit which you will get on entry point as well with the help and service of our Tibetan guides.

Yes you can but it will be quite expensive to acquire for a single person, sometimes can be rejected by Chinese authority due to some reason beyond our control, however we try our best to obtain a single visa if not, where we will find and join you with other group of travelers to Tibet as per the holiday itinerary and duration of travel within Tibet.

Yes it is possible to obtain Tibet Visa and Permit as per your tour package with Nepalese tour company for Tibet travel.

It can take about a week to three days in urgent cases.